Reports glossary

This article provides more information on our most popular report modules available by default in Quick Reports and can be added to Branded Reports. There will also be a linked "Cheat Sheet" for each quick report type, which provides more information for that report and the modules included in it. 


Engagement Report 

  • Audience: Data reflects the total number of fans and followers across all profiles 
  • Post Engagement: The total number of likes, shares and comments across all profiles 
  • Posts Sent: Total number of posts published to all your social media accounts
  • Mentions: Total number of mentions received across all your social media accounts 
  • Audience Split: Audience size of your top profiles and which ones gained the most followers 
  • Interactions: Number of likes, comments and shares
  • Clicks: Number of clicks when a post contains a trackable link 


Facebook Report 

Note: Third-party platforms like EOSocial can only retrieve Facebook data via their API in the format of 1 day, 7 days and 28 days. If you select a date range longer than 28 days, only the last 28 days worth of data will be displayed. 

  • Impressions: Number of times your content was shown, a unique user can have multiple impressions 
  • Total Reach: The number of unique users who were served at least one impression of your content 
  • Page Engagements: The number of people that clicked anywhere within your Posts
  • Post Consumptions: The number of people that clicked or created a story anywhere on your Page, including liking your Page
  • Reactions: The total number of Facebook reactions, including reactions made when the post is shared (these include like, love, haha, wow, sad and angry)
  • Shares: The number of people sharing your content 
  • Comments: The number of people who are commenting on your posts
  • Virality: The number of unique people who interacted with your post divided by the number of people who saw this post
  • Reach: The number of people who saw this specific post
  • Viral Impressions: The number of impressions of a story created by your users about your Page
  • Paid Impressions:  The number of impressions of a Sponsored Story or Ad pointing to your Page
  • People Reached: The number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page
  • People Engaged: The number of people who share stories about your Page (these include likes, comments and shares) 
  • Engaged Users: The number of most active users posting and commenting on your Page 


Twitter Report

  • Daily Exposure: The total number of potential times your content has been shown 
  • Post Engagement: The total number of likes and retweets 
  • Reach: Reach is the maximum potential audience size who may have seen your Tweets 


Instagram Report 

  • Followers: Data reflects the total number of followers on your Instagram profile 
  • Following: The total number of people you are following 
  • Posts: Total number of posts published to all your Instagram profile 


LinkedIn Company Report

Note: Data is returned from LinkedIn on a 12-hour basis through their API. However, reporting data is "pulled" whenever we generate a report by going to the reporting section. Based on the above, the current day's data will not display correctly until 24 - 48 hours has lapsed. To assess the previous month's data (up to the last day of the month), you would need to wait until the 48 hours have elapsed on the next month for this to be accurate.

  • Impressions: Number of how many times LinkedIn members have seen your content 
  • Engagement: The total number of likes, shares and comments 
  • Clicks: Number of times viewers of your content have been engaged enough to click through to read the full story 


Monitoring Report

  • Mentions: Data reflects the total number of mentions across all social media
  • Positive: The number of posts where our sentiment syntax detected them as positive 
  • Negative: The number of posts where our sentiment syntax detected them as negative 


YouTube Report 

  • Videos: Total number of videos published to your YouTube account 
  • Subscribers: Total number of subscribers 
  • Posts Sent: Total number of views 


Google Analytics 

  • Page Views: Total number of page views 
  • Visits: Total number of unique visitors 
  • Bounced Rate: People who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page (lower the better)